"I had ambition not only to go farther than any man had ever been before, but as far as it was possible for a man to go."



The Intermediate

Crossing Equator

Tuesday June 29th, 2010

I am exhausted, the conditions have started to become more vicious, and we had to toil hard to keep the ship in a linear motion. It was backbreaking; I can barely hold the pen.

Wednesday June 30th, 2010

When will it ease up? Today is the fourth day of the worst storm yet on the voyage, the storm clouds constantly threatened the ship and no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t outrun it. I saw great courage and determination in the crew who fought through the whole day without any loss of life or damage to our ship. It made me extremely proud to be part of the crew and our spirits were lifted when the storm finally broke after the horrible past four days.

Wednesday August 25th, 2010

It has been a while since my last entry.

It’s been a peaceful two monthes, the weather became much clearer and warmer and it was evident we were slowly approaching our  finish line. We crossed the equator, which marked a momentous occasion as this was our first set goal to achieve. There’s been setbacks, people have died, however I think they would’ve been proud that we had made it this far. We also followed the same tradition of Cook and his crew, as i recalled their actions after crossing the equator. "Every one that could not prove upon the Sea Chart that he had before Crossed the Line was either to pay a Bottle of Rum or be Duck'd in the Sea". Most man preffered to be ducked in the water as the weather was favourable.

Picture of H.M.S Glory crossing the Equator near Rio De Janeiro

Saturday September 11th, 2010

Every day we get nearer and nearer to our final destination. Today we decided we finish our journey in the same destination as where Captain Cook and his men chose to finish their first journey. "I now determined to put into Rio de Janeiro in preference to any other port in Brazil or Falkland Islands." We chose this position as we knew there were many people waiting for us to greet them in Rio. However, Cook and his crew chose this position according to his theory that, "at this place I knew we could recruit our Stock of Provisions, several Articles of which I found we should in time be in want of, and at the same time procure Live Stock and refreshment for the People".

This is the journal Captain Cook used during his first voyage round the world made in H. M. S Bark Endeavour 1768-71.