"I had ambition not only to go farther than any man had ever been before, but as far as it was possible for a man to go."



The Inauguration

England to Rio De Janeiro

Thursday May 27th, 2010

I have always been inspired by Captain James Cook, and now finally is the chance of a lifetime. This coming Saturday, yours truly will be embarking on a re-enactment of one of the greatest adventures of all time.

I am writing this journal as I re-enact the events of a famous explorer Captain James Cook. I have just won the opportunity to join a crew, as I pursue my dream to sail the seas just like Captain Cook accomplished so many years ago.

Our main goal was to complete the trip from England to Rio De Janeiro. Not only this, but we also wanted to complete it in the same timeframe it took for Captain Cook and his crew to complete the same journey. It was the first of Captain Cook's many journeys, and we were so excited for what lies ahead on this journey.

Saturday May 29th, 2010

Today was the first day of our journey, and as we set sail on our boat H.M.S Glory, a replica of the famous H.M.S Endeavour, fresh breeze from the sea and constant wind, assured us that there was no turning back and it was certainly evident that our journey had begun. The moment felt like we were living in 1768 and were about to make history.

As part of making the re-enactment as real as possible, we decided to wear the clothes they wore in the 1760's. I can't believe they actually wore so many layers, i feel so heavy and can barely move.  

Replica of H.M.S Endeavour used by Captain James Cook and his Men in 1768.
Sunday May 30th, 2010 - Monday June 7th, 2010 

Our men worked hard for a solid week, (there seems to be a constant supply of rum!), just like historical times to keep the men’s spirits up. We made good time, weather conditions remained constant and calm, which helped us keep relative control of the ship. I’m fortunate that I gained my sea legs quite quickly and am not affected by sea sickness like some of the others.

The H.M.S Glory used to sail along our journey from England to Rio De Janeiro.

Friday June 11th, 2010
After two weeks, the weather began to torment the crew. The violent winds and heavy rain made it near impossible to control the boat. One of the crew was tossed overboard and despite our best efforts, he was lost. The tragedy broke the previous ecstatic atmosphere and the ship is now plagued with heavy silence. I cant believe what has just happened, i feel sick in the stomach. I’ve realised the seriousness of the situation, perhaps Cook's adventure was not going to be as straightforward as first expected.

Sunday June 20th, 2010

We lost another man today while bringing the anchor on-board, near the Portuguese island, Madeira. It was such a careless mistake; he slipped on the deck, got tangled in a coil of rope as he went down, and the vicious currents did the rest. Two men lost in less than two weeks, everytime I replayed the events through my mind I felt my heart sink. It is like no pain I have experienced before.

Sunday June 27th, 2010

A further week has passed, Madeira was a lively and bustling port and I’m sad to leave it behind. On our first month anniversary, we approached the Cape de Verd Islands. Although they look majestic, some of the men are still getting quite sick and are missing their family members. I am too.